About me

My name is Haoran Wang. I’m a PhD candidate in Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University. My reseach interests are medical image analysis and active learning.


  • [2024.05] Our survey paper A comprehensive survey on deep active learning in medical image analysis is accepted by Medical Image Analysis! See here for the accompanying paper list and source code!

  • [2024.05] I served as a reviewer of MICCAI 2024 and MM 2024.

  • [2024.03] Our survey paper Multi-organ segmentation: a progressive exploration of learning paradigms under scarce annotation is accepted by Physics in Medicine & Biology!

  • [2023.04] I served as a reviewer of MICCAI 2023.
  • [2022.12] Our paper EndoBoost: a plug-and-play module for false positive suppression during computer-aided polyp detection in real-world colonoscopy (with dataset) is available on arXiv! See the Project Page for dataset download and other details.

  • [2022.09] As a co-organizer, CMRxMotion challenge is successfully held in MICCAI 2022 STACOM Workshop!

  • [2022.08] I served as a reviewer of MICCAI 2022 STACOM Workshop.